to Jul 16

Greg Judy - Grazing Workshop

  • Upper Arkansas Conservation District (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Upper Arkansas Conservation District invites producers, land managers, landowners, and community members to join us for a two-day workshop on building soil health and bottom lines through sustainable grazing management techniques. Greg Judy is a renowned agricultural educator and author who has spoken extensively on mimicking nature with grazing management to make farming profitable and sustainable. He will be joined by local NRCS and extension experts who will talk further about diversifying ranch enterprises, planned grazing, soil health, drought resilience, and succession planning. Participants will also have the opportunity to learn about new Virtual Fencing technology and how it is being used in Chaffee County. The workshop will conclude with a visit to a local ranch where participants will observe planned grazing with virtual fencing in action.

Friday/ Saturday lunch and light refreshments will be provided.

Limited scholarships available- contact upperarkansascd@gmail.com for more information. Register at EventBright https://www.eventbrite.com/e/grazing-planning-and-soil-health-workshop-registration-320811665327?aff=ebdssbdestsearch

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